Ecological and social aspects in modern business management




green technologies, social responsibility of business, competitiveness, socio-ecological and economic systems, management strategies, business processes


The purpose of this work is to assess and analyze the impact of environmental and social factors on enterprise management in the context of the integration of environmental standards and social responsibility into business strategies to ensure sustainable development, as well as to increase competitiveness. In the research, monographic, abstract‑logical methods, as well as systematization and generalization were applied. The article examines the impact of environmental and social factors on business management strategies, considering their importance in the need to ensure the sustainable development of business and corporate responsibility. The methods and tools of the integration of green technologies, sustainable production and corporate social responsibility into the practice of strategic management have been examined. The particularities of the implementation of these management strategies in various business sectors are considered based on their contribution to the formation of competitive advantage and the promotion of investment attraction. It has been shown that in economic systems in which consumers are increasingly aware of the importance of environmental and social issues, enterprises must actively adapt to these changes, using them as an opportunity for their own development and innovation. It has been demonstrated that the implementation of the environmental component is capable of reducing costs due to the reduction in payment for carbon emissions, the requirements for which will be strengthened in the coming years. At the same time, integration of the social component into business management contributes to the formation of the social capital of the enterprise and leads to an increase in the productivity and effectiveness of the work of the employees.


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Author Biography

Igor Britchenko, University of the National Education Commission, Krakow

Igor Britchenko, PhD, Professor, University of the National Education Commission, Krakow, Institute of Law and Economics. Research interests: economics, finance, banks, marketing, management. Defended his doctoral thesis on “Bank marketing: organization of investment processes” in 1998 at the Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. In 2005, he defended his habilitation thesis on “Creation and functioning of regional banking market science” at the University of Economics and Trade in Donetsk. Professor Britchenko is the author of nearly 500 scientific works, including 22 monographs, he confirmed his academic degree and title in Greece, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Slovenia, Latvia, Estonia,


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How to Cite

Britchenko, I. (2024). Ecological and social aspects in modern business management. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 38(3), 17–22.