Prospects of the Use of Shale Gas in the EU Power Sector


  • Agnieszka Pach-Gurgul Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Katedra Międzynarodowych Stosunków Gospodarczych



power sector, energy policy, energy security, conventional gas, unconventional gas, shale gas, hydraulic fracturing, „shale revolution”


Apart from the uncertainty associated with changes in the demand for gas, the discussion oninternational gas markets is dominated by the question of gas production from unconventional sources,including shale. Because the acquisition and use of shale gas in the United States had a significantimpact on the economy and led to a significant gas prices fall, reduction of production costs and theincrease of the economy competitiveness as well as many other effects known as “shale revolution”.European Union is currently absorbed by the discussion of shale gas use in the EU energy sector. Onthe one hand, there are many positive effects of “shale revolution” in the United States and Canada, theexploitation of shale gas can reduce the dependence on gas imports from Russia and increase energysecurity. But on the other hand, shale gas is indicated as a potential threat to the environment, includingthe possibility of groundwater contamination.

This article is an attempt to find answers to the following questions: - whether the European Unioncountries possessing potential shale gas resources will decide to explore them and to what extent,- what the potential effects of the “European shale revolution” for the individual countriesas well as for the whole European Union are, - what the prospects for shale gas to be included incommon energy policy are, or whether decisions in this matter will remain the sovereign responsibilityof EU countries?It seems that shale gas is an opportunity for the EU energy sector; however, its exploitation and usagewill depend primarily on attitude of EU members, their energy mixes and the standpoint of theEuropean Union regarding this issue.


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Author Biography

Agnieszka Pach-Gurgul, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Katedra Międzynarodowych Stosunków Gospodarczych

Agnieszka Pach-Gurgul, Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Lecturer in the Department of InternationalEconomic Relations at the University of Economics in Cracow. The author of Single Electricity Marketin the European Union in the Context of Polish Energy Security as well as many scientific articles andchapters of books relating to the changes in Polish and global power sector, energy security, EuropeanUnion energy policy, the single energy market and the ecological challenges for the contemporaryenergy sector.


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How to Cite

Pach-Gurgul, A. (2013). Prospects of the Use of Shale Gas in the EU Power Sector. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 21, 63–77.