Change in the spatial structure of R&D activity in European manufacturing enterprises under economic crisis conditions


  • Michał Becla Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie



research and development, innovation, spatial structure


One of the important consequences the economic crisis had on European production is the phenomenon of relocation of production and the directly associated change in the spatial structure of research and development (R&D). Changes in the spatial structure in terms of R&D activity are conditioned by many factors, among which the most important are: economic factors (including incentives and grants for R&D, cost aspects); technological factors (with particular regard to the proximity of research units and centers of technology transfer); cultural factors (including those associated with the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility in companies); social and demographic factors (related to the demographic potential of each location); administrative and legal factors. The aim of the paper is the identification and analysis of basic trends and determinants of changes in the spatial structure of R&D in the European businesses, (especially) operating in the automotive and aviation (high-tech group) industries.



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Author Biography

Michał Becla, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie

Michał Becla, Ph.D. student at the Cracow University of Economics Academic and professional areasof interest of the author are connected with notions of public aid; transfer of technology; and models offunctioning of R&D centers in industrial enterprises, with special attention paid to sectors of high andmedium-high technology. In this case, analysis of practical solutions implemented by enterprises hasparticular meaning.


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How to Cite

Becla, M. (2014). Change in the spatial structure of R&D activity in European manufacturing enterprises under economic crisis conditions. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 27, 118–129.