Use of ICT in Public Sector as the Factor Affecting Companies’ Performance
e-administration, ICT, institutional economics, institutions, public sector, transactional costsAbstract
The increasing role of information and communication technologies (ICT) has an impact on the socio-economic environment. The dissemination of IT solutions affects the expectations of business entities regarding the quality of public administration’s IT services. Simultaneously the use of IT in public sector creates the potential improvement of the relations between the enterprise and public administration, as well as their efficiency. Inaction of the public authorities and mismatch between their structure, organization, functioning methods and changing social standards pose a threat of creating new transaction costs or increasing the existing ones. Accurate and precise analysis of these issues is difficult due to the wide variety of phenomena considered. The aim of the work is to try to solve this problem and to propose a research approach allowing for a coherent analysis. The author proposes applying the methodology and terminology of the New Institutional Economics, i.e. to use the Transaction Cost Theory and the conception of institutions. In this way the impact of various institutional factors is reduced only to the analysis of their impact on transaction costs and then these costs can be described with the use of mathematical methods and used for further analysis.
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