Demographic and Labor Potential as the Factors of Agroecotourism Development in Belarus (on the Example of Brest and Grodno Regions)


  • Liudmila Fakeyeva Belarusian State University Faculty of International Relations Department of International Tourism
  • Aliaksei Shadrakou Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus Economy Research Institute Scientific Department



agroecotourism, Belarus, Brest Region, demographic potential, Grodno region


In the following article demographic development is analysed as a factor of agroecotourism development in Belarus with special emphasis on Brest and Grodno Regions as areas with the highest potential for rural tourism progress and expansion. The potential role for rural tourism development of demographic potential, labor resources and settlement system is revealed. The demographic development of Belarusian rural areas is presented for the period of 1970-2013. The article aims to work out the typology of districts in accordance with peculiarities of demographic development during this period. The article also aims to trace the main factors of demographic spatial inequality in rural areas in Belarus.


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Author Biographies

Liudmila Fakeyeva, Belarusian State University Faculty of International Relations Department of International Tourism

Liudmila Fakeyeva, Ph.D. in Geography, Associate Professor, Belarusian State University, Faculty of International Relations, Department of International Tourism. In 2007–2016 worked as a teaching assistant, lecturer and associate professor of the Faculty of Geography, Economic Geography of Foreign Countries Department, Belarusian State University. Since 2016 – associate professor of the Faculty of International Relations, Department of International Tourism, Belarusian State University. Scientific and Research Interests: population geography, regional socio-economic development, recreational geography and tourism.

Aliaksei Shadrakou, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus Economy Research Institute Scientific Department

Aliaksei Shadrakou, Ph.D. in Geography, docent, Scientific Department of the Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, senior research associate. In 2005–2007 worked as a teaching assistant of the Department of Geography and Nature protection in Mogilev State University. In

2010 – the senior lecturer and in 2012 – the head of the Department of Geography and Nature protection in the university. Since 2014 – the seniour research associate at Scientific Department of the Economy Research Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. Scientific and research interests are state regional socio-economical politics, transboundary collaboration, space planning and teaching process.


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How to Cite

Fakeyeva, L., & Shadrakou, A. (2016). Demographic and Labor Potential as the Factors of Agroecotourism Development in Belarus (on the Example of Brest and Grodno Regions). Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 30(4), 133–143.