Location patterns and factors of Polish makerspaces
location factors, maker movement, makerspace, new working spaces, Poland, spatial distributionAbstract
Makerspaces (MS) represent a type of new working space (NWS), a subject addressed by numerous researchers. Nevertheless, among the abundance of publications on NWS, only a limited number discuss the detailed distribution of MS and address the significant issue of their location factors. This article aims to supplement these research gaps based on the example of Polish makerspaces, through a comprehensive database of Polish NWS and spatial analysis conducted through GIS systems. According to the results, there is a predominance of MS in the main metropolitan centers, alongside a rising significance in peripheral areas while a co‑occurrence of MS with other institutions focusing on innovation, creativity and education is recorded. It is also pointed out that location factors related to transportation are mainly found in large urban centers, but not noticeable elsewhere. Through the use of in‑depth interviews, the author points to the significant relevance of social factors in the MS creation phase, together with accessibility and infrastructure‑related factors. In addition, crucial components impacting on MS establishment include the engagement of MS members, municipal support, location and the characteristics of the MS environment. Lastly, the validity of the rules and regulations of organizations supporting the creation of MS are outlined.
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