Changes in the operation of the “Jarlan” Company in Jarosław, with special focus on the years 1999–2003


  • Wioletta Kilar Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej



przemiany, przemysł, dziewiarstwo, Jarosław


The Knitting Factory “Jarlan” in Jarosław was established in 1972, when the country’s economy was centrally controlled. Initially, “Jarlan” comprised of four smaller plants, but in the process of shifting to market economy some of them were closed as they proved unprofitable. In 1992, the Factory was turned into a sole shareholder company of the Treasury. Subsequently, together with other companies in the clothing - knitting field, “Jarlan” became a part of the “Próchnik” holding, and in 2002 the controlling interest was purchased by Krzysztof Dajczak.Due to the nature of its production, women prevail among “Jarlan’s” employees. In the 1980’s, out of 3000 people employed, two-thirds were women. During the transformation period, employment was reduced to 982 people, 199 men and 783 women, which constituted only 28% of the 1980 employment level. The year 2000 was a breakthrough for “Jarlan”, which resulted from the difficulties that the “Próchnik” holding, to which the Factory belonged, was going through. The number of finished articles dropped significantly and the sales profits were the lowest in the company’s entire history - 11 million of estimated losses. Measures were undertaken to regain “Jarlan’s” financial fluency and its position on the market through winning new customers, especially abroad. As soon as 2002, the profits amounted to 1mln. Presently, the Knitting Factory “Jarlan” is an international company, selling their turtlenecks, round-neck sweaters, vests, cardigans and tunics mainly to England, Spain, Germany and France. Due to high quality products and varied sets of patterns and colours, the company is extremely competitive, which has been recognized by Polish customers as well.


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How to Cite

Kilar, W. (2006). Changes in the operation of the “Jarlan” Company in Jarosław, with special focus on the years 1999–2003. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 9, 154–169.