Disclosure of climate-related issues in the non-financial reporting of WIG-oil&gas listed companies





climatic disclosures, environmental reporting, non-financial reporting, climate


Environmental reporting covers both issues related to the negative impact of the enterprise on the natural environment, but also the presentation of actions taken to protect it. Among the various ecological issues, climate is of particular interest. The aim of the article is to show the importance of information related to reporting on climate-related issues and their inclusion in the non-financial reporting of companies from the oil&gas sector listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. In the article, the author used the analysis of legal acts, literature on the subject and the study of empirical data from reports and websites of listed companies of the WIG-oil&gas index. The practice of oil&gas companies shows that companies listed on the capital market notice the importance of these issues both in terms of the impact of the climate on their operations and the impact of these entities on the climate. However, attempts to report climate-related issues are made by those entities only, that are required to disclose non-financial information. In view of the ongoing climate change and increasing environmental awareness, taking these issues into account seems inevitable.


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Author Biography

Małgorzata Trocka, Akademia im. Jakuba z Paradyża w Gorzowie Wielkopolskim, Wydział Ekonomiczny

Małgorzata Trocka, PhD in economics with a specialization in accounting. The Jacob of Paradies University in Gorzów Wielkopolski, Faculty of Economics,. For her doctoral thesis on “The concept of cost and results accounting in the controlling system of road transport companies”, she received the prof. dr hab. Stanisława Skrzywana award granted by the Main Board and the Scientific Council of the Accountants Association in Poland. She has practical experience in accounting confirmed by the qualification certificate of the Minister of Finance authorising her to provide bookkeeping services. She is the vice president of the board of the Association of Accountants in Poland, District Branch in Gorzów Wielkopolski. Her research interests mainly include the area of modern concepts of financial and non-financial reporting and the practical application of cost accounting. She is the author of many publications in the field of financial and management accounting, cost accounting and financial reporting.


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How to Cite

Trocka, M. (2021). Disclosure of climate-related issues in the non-financial reporting of WIG-oil&gas listed companies. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 35(4), 177–187. https://doi.org/10.24917/20801653.354.11