The impact of the pandemic on the functioning of selected cultural institutions in Krakow and Katowice


  • Joanna Petroniec Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny
  • Katarzyna Rokosz-Lempart
  • Agnieszka Kwiatek Sołtys Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny



cultural function of cities, cultural institutions, Katowice, Kraków, Covid-19 pandemic


One of basic needs of society, especially of a highly developed one, is satisfying non-material needs, including participation in culture. Thus, cultural activity becomes a popular and widespread phenomenon. The COVID-19 pandemic had a strong impact on the cultural sphere of Polish cities. All cultural institutions had to deal with the frequently changing rules of their functioning and adjust to the sanitary regime. The work aims to illustrate significant changes introduced as a result of the pandemic in the functioning of the cultural zone of Krakow and Katowice (Poland). Conversations and interviews with representatives of selected institutions allowed to draw the attention to the basic problems of their functioning. Moreover, on the basis of the survey conducted among the recipients of culture, the use and the degree of satisfaction with the implemented solutions were also shown. The research shows that all surveyed institutions quickly began to create remote means of contact with the respondent. Nevertheless, the interest in the activities of cultural institutions during the pandemic was, as one might expect, significantly limited. The expected impact of the pandemic period on the functioning of cultural institutions in the future, however, seems paradoxically positive. All institutions agree that most of the major events will be more online in the future, becoming hybrid events, which can help attract the attention of a younger audience.


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Author Biographies

Joanna Petroniec, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny

Petroniec Joanna, MSc, graduated from Geography at the Pedagogical University of Krakow with a specialisation in Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management. Her research interests focus primarily on the cultural sector, as well as European Union policy, in particular, covering the subject of cities.

Katarzyna Rokosz-Lempart

Katarzyna Rokosz-Lempart, MSc, graduated from Geography at the Pedagogical University of Krakow with a specialisation in Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management. Her research interests include the cultural sector, as well as tourism and leadership.

Agnieszka Kwiatek Sołtys , Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny

Agnieszka Kwiatek-Sołtys, professor at the Pedagogical University of Kraków, DSc, Institute of Geography; Head of the Department of Geography of Urban and Rural Areas. Socio-economic geographer, specialised in geography of settlements and urban geography. In her research work she is interested in different aspects of the development of small towns. Her work concentrates on their place in the urban settlement system and the role in the metropolitan areas, current factors of growth and functions, as well as the level of development. An important part of her work deals with the quality of life issues. Recently her work concentrates on the changes of the land-use and land ownership structure of small towns in Poland.


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How to Cite

Petroniec, J., Rokosz-Lempart, K., & Kwiatek Sołtys , A. (2022). The impact of the pandemic on the functioning of selected cultural institutions in Krakow and Katowice. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 36(3), 78–92.