The role of services and their location in socio-economic transformations of małopolskie voivodeship after year 2000
małopolskie, usługiAbstract
Services constitute the most significant economic sector in contemporary economies and their rank is still growing. The development of services and innovative production as factor of converting the economy of małopolskie voivodeship acts in a diversified way, both in structural and spatial terms. Some particular groups of activities are marked by the highest pace of growth. They are the services of modern character, performing an important role in the process of economic transformation. The main aim of the study was to characterize the essential changes in the spatial structure of chosen services in małopolskie voivodeship as well as to determine the direction of the inflow of companies into the urban region of Cracow, according to the zones of development. The results indicate that the structure of chosen services in the center-peripheries of małopolskie voivodeship is undergoing transformations and there are some correlations between their development. In particular cases the activities are remote from the demand for them (e.g. consulting firms), which is directly connected with the use of new technologies. Cracow undergoes reallocation of services and industry which is characteristic for the functional transformations of big cities.
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