The impact of digitalization on society in the context of public services in Poland
digitization, education, e-government, information society, internet, Poland, public servicesAbstract
The aim of this article is to demonstrate the impact of digitalization on society in the area of public services in Poland. This issue must be recognised as extremely important, because digitalization is one of the elements driving the development of the national economy and contributing to its socio-economic development, as well as supporting the emergence of information society. The article presents the benefits and threats of digitalization of public services in Poland from a user perspective in the areas of administration, education and transport. The authors attempt to answer the question of how digitalization has changed the accessibility to public services in the areas mentioned, as well as how it affects society. The article is descriptive and analytical in nature and was developed on the basis of a literature review, as well as available statistical data from the Eurostat and CSO databases.
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