Is innovativeness influenced by proactiveness and risk-taking? Evidence from Poland based on structural equation modelling
Entrepreneurial orientation, innovativeness, risk-taking, proactiveness, international entrepreneurship, internationalization of the firm, Poland, SEMAbstract
This article focuses on entrepreneurial orientation in a firm’s internationalisation process, which is one of the leading research trends in international entrepreneurship. The objective of the study is to verify the relationship between proactiveness, risk-taking and innovativeness as components of the entrepreneurial orientation of internationalised Polish firms. The article answers the main research question of how proactiveness and risk-taking influence innovativeness as an interrelated three-dimensional construct of entrepreneurial orientation. We present the results of a study based on a stratified sampling of 355 internationalised Polish firms. Structural equation modelling (CB-SEM) demonstrated a positive effect of proactiveness (PROACT) and risk-taking (RISK) on innovativeness (INNO) as an interrelated three-dimensional construct of entrepreneurial orientation. Moreover, the level of proactiveness (PROACT) and risk-taking (RISK) explained 32% of the variation in innovativeness (INNO), which is high in social sciences, including business studies.
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