Spatial-functional structure of selected industrial areas in the city of Poznań
struktura, przemysł, PoznańAbstract
An analysis is provided of the spatial-functional structure of the area of Główna, Zawady, Gdyńska and Bałtycka streets in Poznań. This region of the city is unique. On the one hand, it contains particularly valuable architectural forms, often of historical and cultural merit, and several interesting natural-landscape features passing into historical structural wedges of urban greenery. On the other hand, however, there are also storehouses as well as manufacturing and service shops there, often side by side with residential housing. The area displays a mix of functions and building forms, a deteriorating state of repair of the buildings, a vandalised urban environment, and advancing processes of ageing and depreciation. The paper is concluded with a presentation of the measures devised to transform the area that have been outlined in the Study of determinants and directions of the spatial development of the city of Poznań and the authors’ own observations.Downloads
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