Geospatial Study of Human Development Index of Ukraine in the Light of Regional Indicators


  • Andriy Kuzyshyn Ternopil V. Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University


Słowa kluczowe:

Human Development Index, regional grouping regions, social development of the territory


The article reveals the peculiarities in the formation of comfortable life features in the regions of Ukraine based on the analysis of the components and the human development index. In particular, it reveals the essenceof the human development concept as one that enables people to develop their potential, to live productively and creatively in tune with their needs and interests. Its goal is to empower each individual in the chosen environment - country, region or specific locality. Human development involves balancing the formation of human abilities to improve their conditions of life. However, the level of regional human development will depend on the potential of the designated area. Since 2012, Ukraine has updated the method of estimating regional Human Development Index by which we can calculate the regional human development index. It includes 33 indicators grouped into six blocks in accordance with the basic aspects of human development. These are reproduction, social position, comfortable life, well-being, worthy work, and education. These indicators were selected on the basis of suitability for the annual calculation of provision available to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, reliability estimates at the regional level under the specific issues of human development in Ukraine, unambiguous interpretation of the impact on human development, lack of high correlation between individual performance and adequacy of static and dynamic variation. According to the ratings of Human Development Index in 2012, conducted by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine and the Institute of Demography and Social Studies of M.V. Puhta, regions that constantly show high indicators of human development index are Crimea, Kharkiv, Lviv, Transcarpathian and Poltava regions. The largest group consists of regions with the average index indicator of the human development (most regions of Ukraine). Finally, the third group consists of regions with the lowest human development index (Kirovograd, Donetsk, Sumy regions). The results of calculations of regional Human Development Index can serve as a basis for identifying key issues and priorities of each region.


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Andriy Kuzyshyn - Ternopil V. Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University

Andriy Kuzyshyn, Associate Professor in the Depertament of Geography of Ukraine and Tourism, Ternopil V. Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. Andriy Kuzyshyn has been working at Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University of Ternopil since 1999. He started his career as the senior laboratory assistant (1999–2000), then he worked as the assistant (2000–2004) and finally, in 2004, he became a professor of the cathedra (department) of geography of Ukraine and Tourism. In 1999 he defended his Ph.D. degree (the title of his thesis: “Scientific and geographical management basics of regional social and economic systems (for e.g. Ternopil region)”. During his scientific and pedagogical practice he published, individually and in collaboration, more than 110 scientific and methodical works (publications): 7 educational text-books for General and High School, 8 methodical elaborations, 2 electronic methodical elaborations for General School, 3 map-making pieces, 55 scientific articles, he took part in 50 scientific and methodical conferences, seminars and congresses on the national and international level. Mr. Kuzyshyn is a member of Ukrainian geographical Association and Scientific Association named after Taras Shevchenko. Also he is a member of the Specialized Scientific Council for defense of degrees in the speciality 11.00.02 – Economic and Social Geography. Research areas: geospatial features of social and political spheres of Ukraine, problems of regional (economical) geography of Ukraine, history of domestic tourism, special features of international tourism.


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Jak cytować

Kuzyshyn, A. (2014). Geospatial Study of Human Development Index of Ukraine in the Light of Regional Indicators. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 26, 197–206.