Application of selected groundwater quality indices in anthropogenically transformed areas
groundwater, industrial landfill, leachate, municipal landfill, surface waterAbstract
Correctly assessing the impact of waste landfills on groundwater quality requires the development and use of comprehensive tools that consider the content of individual components in water, as well as those relating to the hydrochemical background. The article presents a comparative analysis of selected water quality indices used around the world to assess the environmental threat caused by sources of pollution. The paper includes the following indicators: Water Quality Index, Landfill Water Pollution Index, Nemerow Pollution Index, Backman Index, Canadian Water Quality Index, Horizontal Ratio, Enrichment Factor and Fuzzy Water Quality. Attention was paid to the values of individual indices, their applicability in municipal and industrial waste landfills, and limitations in their use. A literature review has proven that some indices, such as the Landfill Water Pollution Index and Nemerow Pollution Index, are used very often as they provide reliable results. Index methods help conduct rational water management, complement groundwater quality monitoring, and serve as a tool for making decisions in various water protection areas.
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