Industry, a Knowledge-Based Economy and the Common European Industrial Policy


  • Janusz T. Hryniewicz Uniwersytet Warszawski



deindustrialization, knowledge-based economy, economic policy, common European industrial policy


Industrial production is transferred from Europe to the so-called factories of the world (China,India, Vietnam, etc.). In Europe a knowledge-based economy has been created, but it does not createworkplaces fast enough. In the European power elites and in the public opinion, Popularity of defendingjobs in industry is growing, which is supported by patriotic argumentation. Continuation of this trendthreatens to spark off conflicts within Europe. This menace should be stopped by the establishment ofa new common European industrial policy. Its mission should be the (European institutions) leadershipand the control of the restructuring process, i.e., the EU’s transition from an industrial economy toa knowledge-based economy. As a result, the plane of potential conflicts will be the plane of cooperation.


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Author Biography

Janusz T. Hryniewicz, Uniwersytet Warszawski

Janusz T. Hryniewicz, Professor at Warsaw University, Centre for European Regional and LocalStudies, author of 206 articles and scientific books. His main fields of research are: economic sociology,politics, regional studies. His main books include: Political and Cultural Context for EconomicDevelopment, Relations of Work in Polish Organizations, both in Polish.


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How to Cite

Hryniewicz, J. T. (2013). Industry, a Knowledge-Based Economy and the Common European Industrial Policy. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 21, 31–46.