Research Issues of the Function of Entrepreneurship in the Socio-Economic Development of Spatial Systems in Polish Economic Geography


  • Tomasz Rachwał Pedagogical University of Cracow Institute of Geography Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management



economic geography, entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship education, local development, regional development, research issues in entrepreneurship, socio-economic development


The issues of economic geography research are subject to constant changes, mainly corresponding to the dynamic changes in the socio-economic space, especially in Polish conditions in the period of systemic transformation. This is also reflected in taking new research directions. One of those developed intensively in Poland after 1989 is entrepreneurship and its role in the development of spatial systems. The theme of the article is, therefore, the research problem of the role of entrepreneurship in the development of spatial systems. In the light of the analysis of the literature on the subject, mainly related to geographic research conducted by Polish researchers in this field, the article analyses various views on the concept of entrepreneurship, determines international and national conditions for entrepreneurship development, and proposes a systematic approach to entrepreneurial function in the development of spatial systems of various scales. The links between entrepreneurship and geography, the significant share of geographers in research in this field and the possibilities of using in this research the model of the functioning of geographical space were pointed out. In the final part, further directions of geographic research on this subject were recommended, which may contribute to the systematic increase of the importance of this discipline in the system of sciences and application activities, in particular in the development, implementation and monitoring of development strategies for spatial systems of different scales.


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Author Biography

Tomasz Rachwał, Pedagogical University of Cracow Institute of Geography Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management

Tomasz Rachwał, Ph.D., Head of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Management, Director of Institute of Geography of the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Rector’s Proxy for Entrepreneurship, member of the Senate of the Pedagogical University of Cracow, a Deputy Chair of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, member of the editorial board of several journals, author of textbooks for geography and entrepreneurship. His research interests focus primarily on the issue of change of spatial and branch structures of industry, the determinants for the development of various branches of industrial activity, and the role of manufacturing, selected branches of services and entrepreneurship in local and regional development, as well as geographical and entrepreneurship education.


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How to Cite

Rachwał, T. (2018). Research Issues of the Function of Entrepreneurship in the Socio-Economic Development of Spatial Systems in Polish Economic Geography. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 32(4), 149–162.

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