Structural Links and Making Location Decisions in Small Enterprises
location, location decision, small enterprise, structureAbstract
Structural considerations are important in the process of making location decisions. For small businesses it usually points to the importance of behavioral factors in choosing the location and their complementary functions in relation to large enterprises. In the global economy, there were new phenomena determining the distribution of the small and medium enterprises. Technological progress has been changing the face of the sector and its environment much faster than what was done in the past. Therefore, the aim of this study is to identify the role of the structural factor in making location decisions by small businesses against the Enterprise Life Cycle and new trends in practice. The article uses critical analysis of the literature, the method of case studies based on interviews and questionnaire studies, visits in technology and science parks in Gdansk, Puławy, Rzeszow, Elk and Kielce. The study is also based on the results of the investment attractiveness of regions carried out in the framework of the research provided in 2013-2015 by Warsaw School of Economics. The newly observed phenomena affecting the locations of small businesses include:
- the effect of induced business in new areas of production and service, created in a higher standard infrastructure,
- development of entrepreneurship in areas of economic privilege,
-outsourcing and offshoring of other enterprises in the development phase,
- strategic renewal of enterprises at the end stage,
- the effect of decay enterprises at the end stage.
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