Classification of Countries of Destination by Gross and Relative Values of International (Inbound) Tourism and its Factors


  • Oleksandr Korol Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • Volodymyr Krul Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University


Słowa kluczowe:

classification of countries of destination, factors of inbound tourism, international tourist arrivals, profitability of inbound tourism, receipts from inbound tourism


The present work is aimed at the analysis of gross and relative values of inbound tourism by countries of destination for the purpose of their classification. As a result of confronting total and specific (per 1 km of conventional radius of the country’s territory) numbers of international tourist arrivals with the median values for 100 countries of the world as of 2016, countries of destination were divided into four classes. Small countries of intensive inbound tourism are predominantly represented by tropical islands of the Caribbean Basin and Indian Ocean, as well as by the Mediterranean region. Over half of big countries of intensive inbound tourism are located in Europe and the Mediterranean destinations were the most often visited ones. Big countries of extensive inbound tourism show significant volume of inbound tourism in the first place due to their significant territories. Among these, there were Scandinavian destinations of Europe, Canada and Russia. The low intensity of their inbound tourism is explained by the unfavourable climate for human thermal-physiological sensations. Small countries of not-intensive inbound tourism had considerably less volume and intensity of tourism arrivals due to their small territories, unfavourable geographical conditions, but, what is most essential, also due to the poverty. In addition, cost indicator, that is receipts from inbound tourism per one arrival, was taken into account in the analysis. The factors that have influence over it were also disclosed.


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Biogramy autorów

Oleksandr Korol - Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Oleksandr Korol, PhD, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine), Department of Geography and Management of Tourism. PhD in Geography, associate professor, Head of the Department of Geography and Management of Tourism, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine). He has graduated from the Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University. Author’s research interests concern issues of international tourism flows, tourism marketing, guided tour service.

Volodymyr Krul - Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

Volodymyr Krul, PhD, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine), Department of Physical Geography, Geomorphology and Paleogeography. PhD in Geography, professor, Head of the Department of Physical Geography, Geomorphology and Paleogeography, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Chernivtsi, Ukraine). Author’s research interests concern issues of retrospective geography and ethno-demography. Academic interests also revolve around the research of geography of tourism, particularly in Ukraine.


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Jak cytować

Korol, O. ., & Krul, V. . (2020). Classification of Countries of Destination by Gross and Relative Values of International (Inbound) Tourism and its Factors. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 34(3), 130–149.