Assessment of tourist services in Krakow in the light of surveys conducted in 2010–2020
cultural heritage cities, Krakow, tourism, tourist servicesAbstract
The subject of the study are services provided to tourists in Krakow, a historic city with a rich cultural heritage, perceived as the most recognisable Polish tourist destination. The aim of the study is to evaluate said services. This assessment was made on the basis of a diagnostic survey in the form of a direct interview conducted in 2010-2020. These studies are conducted for the Malopolska Tourist Organization and the Krakow City Hall. In order to achieve the set goal, an analysis was carried out on a sample of 26,298 collected questionnaires and registered in the database in 2010-2020. It was found that interest in the historic city and leisure visits were invariably the dominant purpose of coming to Krakow. The visits of relatives and friends were also an important reason for the stay of tourists in the city. The conducted research allows to conclude that the level and scope of provided services meets the needs and is positively assessed by tourists from various market segments. The highest rating (4.52) was achieved by the atmosphere of the city, which, along with the kindness and hospitality constitutes a unique feature called genius loci. Food services have a high position in the ratings, the average rating is 4.29. The strong point of the city’s tourist offer is its accommodation base. The services in the field of entertainment, tourist information, guide services as well as communication accessibility and internal communication were also highly rated. Research on tourism in Krakow, conducted since 2003, is currently continued and provides important information for the formulation of a sustainable tourism development policy in Krakow.
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