Selected methods of researching and assessing the quality of tourist attractions
quality assessment, quality of tourism services, research method, tourist attractionAbstract
Among the various conditions for the development of modern tourism, tourist attractions play an important role, being one of the most important components of the tourism system. The aim of the study is to present selected methods of research and evaluation of the quality of tourist attractions. The article is a review. The paper presents definition standards for tourist attractions, as well as research achievements in this area. A critical analysis of domestic and foreign literature in the field of the undertaken research issues was applied. Research on tourist attractions has not only a theoretical aspect, but also a practical (market) aspect. The conducted analysis of the methods of researching tourist attractions and assessing their quality showed the existence of several areas of scientific analysis: systematics and typology of attractions, product quality of tourist attractions and services, the level of satisfaction of visitors to tourist attractions, as well as management of attractions.
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