The development and structure of industry in the district of Ümraniye, Istanbul


  • Kadir Temurçin Süleyman Demirel University Art and Sciences Faculty Department of Geography
  • Yolcu Aldirmaz Süleyman Demirel University Art and Sciences Faculty Department of Geography


Słowa kluczowe:

distribution, industrialization, urbanisation, ümraniye



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Biogramy autorów

Kadir Temurçin - Süleyman Demirel University Art and Sciences Faculty Department of Geography

Yolcu Aldirmaz - Süleyman Demirel University Art and Sciences Faculty Department of Geography


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Jak cytować

Temurçin, K., & Aldirmaz, Y. (2015). The development and structure of industry in the district of Ümraniye, Istanbul. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 26, 207–233.