Marketing and logistical technologies in creating multiplicative effect of territorial development


  • Oxana Freydman Irkutsk State Railway University


Słowa kluczowe:

marketing, logistical technologies, multiplicative effect, territorial development


The article is devoted to modern methods and technologies which can be used in development of territorial socio-economic systems. Research in this sphere must serve as the basis of territorial planning. The combination of marketing and logistical technologies is the most effective and progressive in territorial development.Modern economic integration needs special attention to be paid to conserving and increasing the indicators of socio-economic development, which is a condition of attracting investments from outside.Certain factors are of high importance for economic development. These factors are logistical in their nature and include: the volume of export and import activities in the structure of gross national revenue; the duration of the period needed for formation of a private business; availability of foreign or domestic investments for financing various economic processes; the level of development of the transportation system. The experience of Singapore can serve as an example of implementing marketing and logistical technologies in effective development of the territory


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Jak cytować

Freydman, O. (2010). Marketing and logistical technologies in creating multiplicative effect of territorial development. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 16, 51–57.