Charakterystyka kandydatów na studia z turystyki i rekreacji na Uniwersytecie Pedagogicznym w Krakowie


  • Roman Malarz Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Turystyki i Badań Regionalnych


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szkolnictwo wyższe, turystyka i rekreacja, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny, Kraków


In year 2009, Institute of Geography of the Pedagogical University of Cracow created a new course of study, i.e. Tourism and Recreation. A record breaking number of 1022 prospective students applied for enrolment for the first year of study. A great majority of candidates came from the Małopolskie voivodship and the city of Cracow (the total of 65.1%). A significant number of applicants came also from the neighbouring provinces, i.e. Podkarpackie (11.4%), Śląskie (10.1%) and Świętokrzyskie (5.0%). Over 35% of candidates came from rural areas, which constitutes a fairly high percentage value on the national scale, due to the fact that the Małopolskie, Podkarpackie, and Świętokrzyskie voivodships constitute territorial units where rural residents are outnumbered by rural population. Admission was based on applicants’ results obtained in the secondary-school-leaving exam. The recruitment committee calculated the average of grades obtained from all exams, applying 1.5 conversion factor to advance level exams, and 1.5 and 2 conversion factor to the basic and advanced level exam in geography, respectively. Consequently, the highest-scoring applicants exceeded the value of 100%. The highest score was achieved by a candidate from Węgierska Górka (143.83%). The applicant with the lowest score came from Cracow (41.33%). The average grade obtained from the secondary-school leaving exam for all applicants equalled 76%. The majority of candidates were women (72.7%), who also “improved” their results and constituted 80% of students admitted to the first year of study.


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Jak cytować

Malarz, R. (2010). Charakterystyka kandydatów na studia z turystyki i rekreacji na Uniwersytecie Pedagogicznym w Krakowie. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 15, 286–298.