Competitive Positions in Restaurant Business in Present-Day Conditions Based on the Example of Chernivtsi (Ukraine)


  • Tetiana Yemchuk Chernivtsi Yurii Fedkovych National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
  • Oksana Arpul National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine


Słowa kluczowe:

competitive positions, restaurant business, ranking score of competitiveness


Intensification of competition in restaurant business is accompanied by the emergence of a large number of competing dining establishments in both domestic and foreign markets, the increase of market requirements that force restaurants to continuously develop their strategic potentials, seek for various options for their effective work and create new competitive advantages. Availability of such advantages in restaurant industry is among the most important preconditions to obtain the surplus and develop business, which determines the relevance of the present research. Thus, the present study is aimed at demonstrating the ways of helping an increase of the competitiveness and efficiency in public catering establishments in present-day conditions of economic management. The authors discuss the concept of competitive advantages, analyse the results of the assessment of restaurant competitiveness (60 restaurants of Chernivtsi have been assessed), and suggest criteria to help rank the restaurant-type establishments of Chernivtsi by indicators of their competitiveness. The company’s total rating combines all important parameters (indicators) of financial and economic activity, marketing, investment, production activities, etc. Rating of competitiveness makes it possible to see which the best restaurants are, as well as to determine further goals and steps for those who gained fewer points. These goals and steps include: efficient use of available potential; definition and expansion of the range of products; up-to-date serving; development and introduction of new forms of service; development of customer-oriented complex of restaurant services based on the study of customers’ habits; increase of staff competitiveness; reduction of restaurant expenses; attraction of new customers by way of modern advertising campaigns, etc.


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Biogramy autorów

Tetiana Yemchuk - Chernivtsi Yurii Fedkovych National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine

Tetiana Yemchuk, PhD in geographical sciences, assistant professor in the Department of Economic Geography and Ecological Management Chernivtsi Yuriy Fedkovych National University. Scientific/research interests and publications: economic geography and tourism inclusive of spatial tourism management and local development, spatial organisation of tourism and recreation, spatial research of recreation resources, and assessment of tourism resources.

Oksana Arpul - National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine

Oksana Arpul, PhD in engineering science, associate professor in the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business, Faculty of Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Business, National University of Food Technologies. Scientific/research interests and publications: hotel and restaurant enterprises inclusive of innovations in the field of hotel and restaurant enterprises, technical and economic provision of areas of hotel and restaurant establishments, spatial organisation of hotels and restaurants.


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Jak cytować

Yemchuk, T., & Arpul, O. . (2020). Competitive Positions in Restaurant Business in Present-Day Conditions Based on the Example of Chernivtsi (Ukraine). Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 34(1), 92–107.