The issue of the relationship between a rural entrepreneur and a place in rural entrepreneurship research




business activity, countryside, place, entrepreneur, rural area, rural entrepreneurship, rural entrepreneurship model


Rural entrepreneurship has become a prevalent research topic in Polish and foreign literature in recent years. However, there is a noticeable lack of conceptual and methodological approaches, especially concerning the new way of understanding the term rural entrepreneurship, with an overrepresentation of positivist approaches. Therefore, the article focuses on presenting research results related to the literature analysis on rural entrepreneurship, particularly in terms of its contemporary understanding and research methods. The article is theoretical and methodological and was based on a literature search on the subject taken from databases, i.e. Scopus and Web of Science. The analysis made it clear that since the mid-2000s, there has been a significant increase in interest in the issue of rural entrepreneurship. However, it is interpreted differently in Poland and abroad. Consequently, the research in this field shows significant differences. In the face of the paradigm shift and the turn in understanding rural entrepreneurship that has taken place in the world literature, the article proposes an original model of rural entrepreneurship based on the relationship between a rural entrepreneur and the place. Although it still requires empirical verification, it can be a beneficial research pattern, useful not only for understanding the mechanism of functioning of rural entrepreneurship but also for determining the factors that govern its development in the context of the relationship between a rural entrepreneur and the place. The conclusions from the work also have application value because the proposed model can be helpful for decision‑ makers (mainly local government authorities, especially of rural communes) in formulating planning and strategic documents.


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Author Biographies

Anita Kulawiak, University of Lodz, Poland

Anita Kulawiak, PhD in Earth Sciences in the field of socio‑ economic geography, graduate and then employee of the Department of Regional and Social Geography of the University of Lodz. The author of publications in the field of entrepreneurship, regional and local development, as well as regional policy. The author’s research interests oscillate around many problems related to broadly understood social and regional geography. First of all, they relate to entrepreneurship issues, including rural entrepreneurship, understood in terms of processes (establishing and running a business), spatial diversity and factors determining its distribution, and in attributive terms – as a human trait. In addition, the author’s works oscillate around issues related to the city’s public space, market squares and territorial identity. The author has published over 40 scientific articles

Tomasz Rachwał, Krakow University of Economics, Poland

Tomasz Rachwał, PhD, professor of Krakow University of Economics – Department of International Trade & Centre for Strategic and International Entrepreneurship, Deputy Chair of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, editor and member of the editorial board of several journals, author of textbooks for geography and entrepreneurship. His research interests focus primarily on the issues of entrepreneurship and its role in local and regional development, changes in spatial and branch structures of industry in Poland and other countries, the international and domestic determinants for the development of various branches of industrial activity, as well as geographical and entrepreneurship education. He has published over 200 papers in these fields.


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How to Cite

Kulawiak, A., & Rachwał, T. (2023). The issue of the relationship between a rural entrepreneur and a place in rural entrepreneurship research. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 37(4), 65–85.

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