Diversification of International Tourism in European Union under Economic Crisis
European Union, international tourism, tourism flows, tourist expensesAbstract
During the economic crisis, there has been a decline in the rate of growth of foreign touristarrivals, both in the world (for example, in 2008-2009 the number of foreign tourist arrivals fell from919 to 880 million) and the European Union (down from 486 to 462 million). The purpose of this articleis to show an impact of world economic crisis on the intensity and spatial variation of internationaltourism to the countries of the European Union at the beginning of the twenty-first century, witha particular focus on the years 2007-2011. The arrivals of foreign tourists to the European Union andits selected countries were shown generatings the most intensive tourism flows, as well as the changesin the structure of these arrivals were discussed. The diversity of international tourism receipts fromselected EU countries during the given period of time was also investigated. Tourism flows are alsoaffected by demographic changes, especially the aging of the population. Therefore the diversity oftourism flows and foreign tourism spending by age was examined.Downloads
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