Negative behaviours of employees and customers in tourism service delivery - the case of the catering industry
catering industry, customers, employees, negative behaviours, tourism servicesAbstract
There are numerous and intense interactions between employees and customers in tourism service delivery. The quality of these interactions is of vital importance for service providers to create service experience and to achieve competitive advantage on the market. The purpose of the paper is to examine the intensity of the negative behaviours of employees and customers in tourism enterprises, as well as the nature and strength of the relationship between these behaviours. To achieve the goal, a survey was conducted among 108 people with professional experience in one of tourism industries - the catering industry. Research has shown that there is a positive moderate correlation between employee and customer antisocial behaviours directed at service interaction partners. The identified relationships emphasise the importance of actions to be taken by tourism entrepreneurs to neutralise the negative effects of undesirable customer behaviours on employee behaviours and job performance.
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