Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy a globalne procesy geopolityczne
https://doi.org/10.24917/20801653.15.5Słowa kluczowe:
Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy, GOW, geopolitykaAbstrakt
Emergence of the knowledge-based economy coincides with the process of deindustrialization in the more wealthy countries. In some Asian countries, we can observe an intense process of industrialization. The main goal of this article is to verify the advantages and losses coming from participating in the global economy in the light of the “centre - periphery” theory. Transfer of industrial production to peripheral countries counteracts lowering of life-standards and indirectly favours political stability in the centre countries. Global financial market is a tool for the exploitation of peripheral countries. Financial speculations in the centre countries cause political destabilization in the peripheral countries. The higher the participation of a periphery country in the global economy, the higher the losses it suffers, and the higher the advantages for the centre countries.
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