Large scale industrial enterprises in Turkish industry: their structures, characteristics and spatial distribution


  • Kadir Temurçin Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej


Słowa kluczowe:

industry, industrial enterprises, large scale, spatial distribution, Turkey


Industrialization is a process which is based on precise and quantitative measurements andcontains different basic changes in the economic structure of a country or region. The structural characteristicsand spatial distribution of the industrial enterprises established during the industrialization processwhich is one of the most important elements of the socio-economic transformation in Turkey withina historical process has been the object of this study. The aim of the study was to establish the positionsand significance of one thousand (1000) large industrial companies in the industry of Turkey by usingthe framework of criteria based on sales from production which have been maintained by the IstanbulChamber of Industry on a regular basis. The workplace and number of employees of the companies ona province basis, sector based division, realized exports and sales from product output, corporate entities,structures, spatial distribution and other characteristics were taken into consideration in the study.Although the thousand large scale companies in Turkey based on production output sales comprised only0.40% of the enterprises active in the industrial sector in 2012, they comprised 12% of the labor force,59.6% of product output sales and 65.2% of all exports. On a regional basis, 54% of these companiesare located in the Marmara region, 13.2% are located in Central Anatolia and 12.4% are located in theAegean region; on a province basis, 63.4% are located in Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa, Kocaeli and Ankara.A sector based division of the companies shows that 21.4% are involved in food, beverage and tobaccoprocessing, 19.6% are involved in the industry of metal goods, machinery, automotive industry, electricaltools and equipment and 16.1% deal with textiles, ready-to-wear, leather and the manufacturingof shoes. In terms of labor force numbers, the figures vary as 18.9%, 27.4% and 17.9% respectively.


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Kadir Temurçin - Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej

Kadir Temurçin, assoc. prof. Ph.D., Süleyman Demirel University, Arts and Sciences Faculty,Departmentof Geography. Dr. Kadir Temurçin was born in Isparta/Turkey in 1973. He graduated IstanbulUniversity, Faculty of Arts, Department of Geography in 1995. He received an MA degree in 1998 atthe University of Istanbul “Isparta City” and a Ph.D. degree in 2004 at the University of Ankara “IspartaProvince Economic Geography”. An assistant professor since 2005, associate professor since 2011. Hehas been working as an academic at Süleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Arts and Sciences since1998. He has been working as an academic in the field of economic geography, history, geography,geography of crime. He published one book (Geography of Crime in Turkey– City Public SecurityCrimes), known in the field of geography journals, published two articles in Poland and Canada, andpresented two papers in international symposiums. His research studies include the original analysisof the spatial distribution of crimes in Turkey, historical geography studies in Lakes Region about thehealth and social geography – one book (Sıhhiî – İçtimâî Geography), and non-Muslims characteristicsof the socio-economic structure and population – two articles in the 19th century during the OttomanEmpire. In addition, in another study, the spatial aspect of change in provision of public services inrural areas and in particular the impact of migration on the public services in rural areas. He devotedsome of his other works to different fields in Turkey: industrial geography, energy resources, urbangeography, population and migration. In total, more than 40 academics who have studied under Dr.Kadir Temurçin, focused academically in the field Crime of Geography, Historical Geography andIndustrial Geography.


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Jak cytować

Temurçin, K. (2015). Large scale industrial enterprises in Turkish industry: their structures, characteristics and spatial distribution. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 29(1), 89–112.