Shopping malls as tourist services sites for spending free time by the inhabitants of Kielce


  • Bożena Elżbieta Wójtowicz Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny Wydział Geograficzno-Biologiczny Instytut Geografii Zakład Dydaktyki Geografii



free time, malls (centres), model of behavior, shopping


Shopping malls (centres) have appeared in the Polish urban space as a place for shopping. Modern society sees the role of shopping malls slightly differently. Shopping changed from obligatory actions to a pleasure and a form of leisure activities. Visits to shopping malls have become a generator of population movements and behaviours associated with leisure time of many consumers. The aim of this paper is to present the role of shopping in the today world, on the basis of the diagnostic tests. Such research covered the role of shopping for the residents of medium sized cities and how shopping malls/ centres are, to them, a way of spending free time. The article presents the model of consumer behaviour, which is the manifestation of a new lifestyle created by the young generation in shopping malls.


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Author Biography

Bożena Elżbieta Wójtowicz, Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny Wydział Geograficzno-Biologiczny Instytut Geografii Zakład Dydaktyki Geografii

Bożena Elżbieta Wójtowicz, Ph.D., prof. Pedagogical University of Cracow, Faculty of Geographicaland Biological, Institute of Geography, Department of Geography Teaching. Head of the Departmentof Geography, Institute of Geography Teaching of the Pedagogical University of Cracow. Geographer,geography teacher, traveller, visited most of the European countries, Cuba, Mexico, Dominican Republic,India, Nepal, Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, Turkey. She has published over 190 scientific papers in thecountry and abroad. The author of the monograph Geography Sustainable Development EnvironmentalEducation and co-author and editor of a monographic work, including Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship,Tourism and ecology – to foster the cognitive needs and public awareness, Education and training ofteachers of geography in Poland and in the European Union, Educational fieldwork in ŚwiętokrzyskiNational Park. Co-author of textbooks: Geography. Polish Landscapes Class 4, Geography. Earth –our planet to Grade 6, Nature Class 4 and 5. Specialist in the field of geography, tourism and recreation,teaching geography and the environment.


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How to Cite

Wójtowicz, B. E. (2015). Shopping malls as tourist services sites for spending free time by the inhabitants of Kielce. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 29(3), 97–110.

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