Czynniki i skutki rozwoju przemysłu motoryzacyjnego na terenie województwa śląskiego


  • Krzysztof Wiedermann Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii


Słowa kluczowe:

przemysł, motoryzacja, śląskie


The article on factors and effects of development of car-manufactures in the area of the Silesian Voivodeship consists of an introduction, three main units and conclusions. The first chapter describes the development of this branch since the beginnings to the end of 2005. The functioning of automotive firms till the transformation period in the end of 1980s is shown very briefly. The 1990-2005 processes of location of new investments is divided in two different periods. The first one is characterized mainly by acquisitions and brownfields (e.g. Fiat). In the second period the share of greenfield was much bigger. The main reason for such processes was the establishment of Katowice Special Economic Zone and the new production plant of GM Opel in Gliwice in 1996. The next unit of this paper shows contemporary distribution of car- and assembly manufacturers. The last part contains an account of the influence of automotive firms on the local and regional economy, which is counted by the number of workplaces established as a result of multiplier effects of the development of car- manufactures. The estimated amount of new workplaces in the surroundings of automotive firms is at least 13 thousand.


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Jak cytować

Wiedermann, K. (2008). Czynniki i skutki rozwoju przemysłu motoryzacyjnego na terenie województwa śląskiego. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 10, 93–108.