Convergence and divergence processes in regional development


  • Alexander Burnasov Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg
  • Maria Ilyushkina Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg
  • Yuri Kovalev Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg
  • Anatoly Stepanov Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg


Słowa kluczowe:

convergence, divergence, globalization, regional development


The article deals with the basic trends of regions in the context of globalization and regionalizationof the world’s economy. The most important factors of regional development today are theinnovation resource areas, their institutional environment, political regimes as well as regional policy,and geographical and socio-demographic factors.


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Biogramy autorów

Alexander Burnasov - Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg

Alexander Burnasov, Ph.D. in History, Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and PoliticalSciences, Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg, Russia.Russia. The development of transport logistics in the context of globalization. International communicationand international cooperation, interests – history,economy, logistics, globalization.

Maria Ilyushkina - Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg

Maria Ilyushkina, Ph.D. in Philology, Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and PoliticalSciences, Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg, Russia.Cross-cultural communication, interests – linguistics, world economy and cultures.

Yuri Kovalev - Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg

Yuri Kovalev, Ph.D. in Geography, Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and Political Sciences,Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg, Russia.Innovative regions of the world. The processes of convergence and divergence in the world economy.Problems of modern economic geography, interests – economic geography, world civilizations.

Anatoly Stepanov - Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and Political Sciences, Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg

Anatoly Stepanov, Ph.D. in geography, Ural Federal University, Institute of Social and PoliticalSciences, Department of Regional Research, Yekaterinburg, Russia.Russia. Socio-economic asymmetry in the economic development of the regions. The impact ofglobalization on the transformation of the regions. The theory of clusters and cluster strategies,interests – world economy, globalization, cluster policy, economic geography.


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Jak cytować

Burnasov, A., Ilyushkina, M., Kovalev, Y., & Stepanov, A. (2014). Convergence and divergence processes in regional development. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 26, 25–30.

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