Evaluating the Share of Sectors in Employment Structure Differences between Warsaw and Neighbouring Districts in the Period 2005–2014


  • Małgorzata Markowska Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu Wydział Ekonomii, Zarządzania i Turystyki w Jeleniej Górze Katedra Gospodarki Regionalnej
  • Andrzej Sokołowski Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Wydział Zarządzania Zakład Statystyki




dissimilarity of structures, dynamics of change, employment structure, NUTS 4, sectors of economy


The aim of the paper is the identification of differences in employment structure (from the point of view of shape and scale), in dynamic perspective, in Warsaw and neighbouring districts. Shares of agriculture, industry, trade, financial services and other services in difference between Warsaw city and the following districts: legionowski, miński, otwocki, wołomiński, piaseczyński, pruszkowski and warszawski zachodni, have been evaluated. The analysis is based on data from the period of 2005-2014. Two statistical measures have been used: URij which enables to estimate the share of i-th element in dissimilarities of two structures with respect to size, and UKij with respect to shape. The results obtained make it possible to compare sectors in a district, or to compare districts for a given sector of economy. As far as the differences in the size of structure are concerned, Warsaw dominated, and the hierarchy of districts was very stable, except for piaseczyński district. In the analysis of the shape of employment structure we have found significantly higher shares of industry and agriculture in particular districts, as compared with Warsaw city. Changes in the influence of financial services appeared more random and were difficult to interpret. Our results advocate for separate consideration of size and shape while comparing structures.


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Author Biographies

Małgorzata Markowska, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu Wydział Ekonomii, Zarządzania i Turystyki w Jeleniej Górze Katedra Gospodarki Regionalnej

Małgorzata Markowska, an associate professor at the Regional Economics Chair of Wrocław University of Economics. She is a member of Polish Classification Society and Polish section of Regional Studies Association. Her research deals with econometric measurement, evaluation, variability and dynamics of development, competitiveness, knowledge-based economy, smart specializations, convergence and innovativeness in European regional space. As an author or co-author she has published more than 100 papers and 25 chapters in books, and recently her own dissertation “Dynamic Taxonomy of Regions’ Innovativeness”. She took part in 12 projects financed by the Polish National Centre of Science and European Union, and in projects for governmental, local administration and business units.

Andrzej Sokołowski, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Wydział Zarządzania Zakład Statystyki

Andrzej Sokołowski, a professor and the Head of the Department of Statistics at Cracow University of Economics. His research activity is concentrated on the application of statistical methods in fields such as economics and management, medicine, sports, politics and music. In theoretical statistics he is interested in mathematical statistics, multivariate analysis and medical statistics. He is an author of more than 60 chapters in books and monographs, 150 papers and has taken part in 140 conferences. For three terms he was the President of the Polish Classification Society and for more than twelve years he is a member of International Federation of Classification Societies Council.



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How to Cite

Markowska, M., & Sokołowski, A. (2017). Evaluating the Share of Sectors in Employment Structure Differences between Warsaw and Neighbouring Districts in the Period 2005–2014. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 31(4), 25–39. https://doi.org/10.24917/20801653.314.2

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