Dynamic Multidimensional Scaling of Employment Structure Changes in EU Countries in 1999–2016


  • Małgorzata Markowska Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu Wydział Ekonomii, Zarządzania i Turystyki w Jeleniej Górze
  • Andrzej Sokołowski Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Wydział Zarządzania
  • Danuta Strahl Akademia WSB w Dąbrowie Górniczej Wydział Zarządzania




employment, European Union, multidimensional scaling, structures


Multidimensional Scaling method makes it possible to show the configuration of multivariate objects in the space with less dimensions than the original one (usually on the plane) in such a way that a distance matrix calculated in lower dimension is the most similar to the distance matrix calculated in the original multivariate space. The application of this approach for the analysis of spatio-temporal structures is presented in the paper. Structures are described by shares, so no standardisation (or normalisation) is needed to eliminate the measurement units. Separate Multidimensional Scaling is performed for each time point. On the sequence of results we can follow the changes of object position. Those trajectories can be approximated by trend functions. The example considered in the paper deals with the employment structure in 28 European Union countries in 1999-2016. Structures are calculated on the basis of 10 aggregated sections of the economy.


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Author Biographies

Małgorzata Markowska, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu Wydział Ekonomii, Zarządzania i Turystyki w Jeleniej Górze

Małgorzata Markowska, an associate professor at the Regional Economics Chair of Wrocław University of Economics. She is a member of the Polish Classification Society and Regional Studies Association. Her research deals with econometric measurement, evaluation, variability and dynamics of development, competitiveness, knowledge-based economy, smart specialisations, convergence and innovativeness in European regional space. As an author or co-author she has published more than 100 papers and 25 chapters in books, and recently her own dissertation “Dynamic Taxonomy of Regions’ Innovativeness”. She took part in 12 scientific projects financed by the Polish National Centre of Science and the European Union, and in projects for governmental, local administration and business units.

Andrzej Sokołowski, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie Wydział Zarządzania

Andrzej Sokołowski, a professor and the Head of the Department of Statistics at the Cracow University of Economics. His scientific activity is concentrated on application of statistical methods in fields such as economics and management, medicine, sports, politics, and music. In theoretical statistics he is interested in mathematical statistics, multivariate analysis and medical statistics. He is an author of more than 60 chapters in books and monographs, 160 papers and 150 presentations at conferences. For three terms he was the President of the Polish Classification Society and for more than fourteen years now he is a member of International Federation of Classification Societies Council.

Danuta Strahl, Akademia WSB w Dąbrowie Górniczej Wydział Zarządzania

Danuta Strahl, a full professor at WSB University in Dąbrowa Górnicza. For many years she was the Head of the Department of Regional Economy at Wrocław University of Economics. She is a member of the Statistics and Econometrics Committee of Polish Academy of Sciences and the Section of Classification and Data Analysis of Polish Statistical Association. Her research interests are focused on regional analysis using econometric methods. She is the author and co-author of over 250 studies, including several monographs. She supervised 15 grants financed by the Ministry and the National Science Centre funds and participated in several European Union projects. She is a reviewer of many scientific papers, including postdoctoral and professorship dissertations.


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How to Cite

Markowska, M., Sokołowski, A., & Strahl, D. (2019). Dynamic Multidimensional Scaling of Employment Structure Changes in EU Countries in 1999–2016. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 33(1), 7–17. https://doi.org/10.24917/20801653.331.1

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