Dynamic Multidimensional Scaling of Employment Structure Changes in EU Countries in 1999–2016
employment, European Union, multidimensional scaling, structuresAbstract
Multidimensional Scaling method makes it possible to show the configuration of multivariate objects in the space with less dimensions than the original one (usually on the plane) in such a way that a distance matrix calculated in lower dimension is the most similar to the distance matrix calculated in the original multivariate space. The application of this approach for the analysis of spatio-temporal structures is presented in the paper. Structures are described by shares, so no standardisation (or normalisation) is needed to eliminate the measurement units. Separate Multidimensional Scaling is performed for each time point. On the sequence of results we can follow the changes of object position. Those trajectories can be approximated by trend functions. The example considered in the paper deals with the employment structure in 28 European Union countries in 1999-2016. Structures are calculated on the basis of 10 aggregated sections of the economy.
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