The Structure of Users’ Needs in Local Service Centres in Urban and Suburban Settlements. Comparative Study of I.L. Pereca Square in Wrocław and Siechnice Main Square (Poland)
local (neighbourhood) service centre, needs, services, Siechnice, suburban neighbourhoods, urban neighbourhoods, WroclawAbstract
The aim of the paper is to define the everyday needs of citizens in urban areas and to evaluate the potential for satisfying them in local (neighbourhood) service centres defined as multi-functional public spaces offering access to basic services, enabling social integration and building territorial identity of residents. Bearing in mind the diverse dynamics of urban development in Poland, the research refers to two typical forms of urban settlement: a neighbourhood in a big city and a suburban neighbourhood. The research conducted in June and July 2017 in I.L. Pereca Square in Wrocław and in Siechnice Main Square (232 respondents in total) enables to draw a structure of users’ needs, the practices of satisfying them and deficits in the field of everyday services. A comparison of the results for local communities in a big city and in suburbs provides a wide picture of relationships between the development of public spaces and actual functioning of their users in various settlement contexts. The paper confirms the need for building and supporting local service centres as an important tools for shaping quality of life in urban areas. It also gives a reasoning for elaborating some universal solutions for building strong local communities in Poland.Downloads
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