Budowa marki regionalnej na wybranych przykładach województw Polski


  • Małgorzata Zdon-Korzeniowska Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii, Zakład Przedsiębiorczości i Gospodarki Przestrzennej



Słowa kluczowe:

marka reionalna


In the era of increasing competition it is extremely important to be distinguishable on the market and to gain the trust of customers. One of the tools to achieve this goal is building the brand. A strong brand determines the existence of an enterprise and distinguishes it on the global market. Most often brand is defined as “name, term, symbol, design or combination thereof, designed to identify the goods or services of sellers or a group of sellers, and to distinguish them from the competition”1.  L. de Chernatony extends the concept of brand and defines it as “an identifiable product, service, person or place, augmented in such a way that the buyer or user perceives relevant, unique added values which match their needs most closely”.Globalization and the growing competition between the regions forces territorial units to take action to create their own competitive advantage. One of the tools of competitive struggle and a way for a region to distinguish itself is building a regional brand. A strong brand not only arouses interest and attracts tourists and investors, but is also a very strong support for the development of innovation and competitiveness of local enterprises.


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Zdon-Korzeniowska, M. (2012). Budowa marki regionalnej na wybranych przykładach województw Polski. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 19, 130–141. https://doi.org/10.24917/20801653.19.10