Between declaration and action – an analysis of the results of research on circular behaviours taken up by the households and perceived benefits from them


  • Elżbieta Szczygieł Pedagogical University of Krakow
  • Aleksandra Lwowska Pedagogical University of Krakow
  • Marzena Hajduk-Stelmachowicz Rzeszów University of Technology


Słowa kluczowe:

gospodarka obiegu zamkniętego, korzyści dla gospodarstw domowych, analiza statystyczna, zachowania cyrkularne


The main aim of the paper is to analyse and evaluate the possible relation between taking up of the circular behaviours by the households’ members and perceiving the benefits. The paper presents the results of the research conducted among Polish households on the territory of two voivodeships: Podkarpackie and Małopolskie. In the article the authors present the result of the statistical analysis of the frequency of undertaking those behaviours in the households and perception of the benefits. To indicate the possible dependences the Chi2 Test of Independence and The U Mann-Whitney Test were used. Obtained results indicate that undertaking circular behaviours may have an influence on the perceived benefits of varying magnitude. It could be important due to the establishment of support activities aiming at increasing the overall level of circularity among the households (as an economic sector). The originality of the research consists the methodology used and novel questionnaire prepared by one of the authors. The questionnaire joins 9R’s circularity concept (normally used in circularity assessments in business companies) with typically households’ behaviours. This article is the sixth one in the publication series devoted to circular economy and sustainable development matters.


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Biogramy autorów

Elżbieta Szczygieł - Pedagogical University of Krakow

Elżbieta Szczygieł, PhD, assistant professor, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Institute of Law and Eco- nomics, Department of Entrepreneurship and Social Innovations. Her research focuses on the quality of life with special attention on the responsible factors for households’ socio-economic development, as well as the implementation of circular economy concept into households’ everyday life and its impact on increasing the standard of living. Moreover her research interests include sustainable development and regional development analysed using statistical methods. She has been involved in numerous research projects in the mentioned fields. She is a practitioner – she has worked for state and local authorities, in business and third sector. The author of books and articles on economics and management.

Aleksandra Lwowska - Pedagogical University of Krakow

Aleksandra Lwowska, BSc, graduate student of the Pedagogical University of Krakow, Institute of Law and Economics, Social Economy student in the Institute of Law and Economics, Pedagogical University of Krakow. Her research focuses on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility. An active participant of international and national scientific conferences.

Marzena Hajduk-Stelmachowicz - Rzeszów University of Technology

Marzena Hajduk-Stelmachowicz, PhD, assistant professor, Rzeszów University of Technology, Faculty of Man- agement, Department of Economics. She works in the Department of Economics at the Faculty of Management, Rzeszow University of Technology. The subject of her publications is the issues of sustainable development, green management and economy, green entrepreneurship, eco-innovations, management systems (pro-eco- logical, quality, energy, security), multi-criteria methods of decision-making, regional development, silver economy and management, circular economy, work-life balance. The author of books and articles on economics and management.


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Jak cytować

Szczygieł, E., Lwowska, A. ., & Hajduk-Stelmachowicz, M. . (2022). Between declaration and action – an analysis of the results of research on circular behaviours taken up by the households and perceived benefits from them. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 36(3), 122–133.