Choice of Locations by Foreign Investors: Motives for and Factors of Starting a Manufacturing Activity (the Example of Selected Factories in Poland)


  • Anna Tobolska Adam Mickiewicz University Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management



decisions, international corporations, location factors


The choice of a location is one of the most important decisions taken by an enterprise, both at start-up and at other stages of its life cycle involving a relocation of activity or a spatial fragmentation of the chain of value-added generation. The choice of a location by an enterprise is also of great significance for the development of the region selected, its economic and social structure, and the pattern of its spatial links. That is what makes the choice of a location one of major research problems in socio-economic geography, and in particular in its sub-discipline - industrial geography, with its scope of research embracing issues in location theory and factors of the location of enterprises and industrial plants.This paper offers an analysis of the location factors of selected factories - affiliates of international corporations, in terms of their strategic decisions of expansion onto markets abroad in the form of foreign direct investment (FDI). For international corporations, the choice of a new place of economic activity is closely connected with global advantages of conducting business at the international scale and with motives for their internationalisation.


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Author Biography

Anna Tobolska, Adam Mickiewicz University Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management

Anna Tobolska, Ph.D., Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland, Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management. Dr Anna Tobolska is an adjunct professor in the Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management in the Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Her research interests focus mainly on issues in industrial geography, like changes in industrial structures at various spatial scales as well as local and regional effects of the location of industrial enterprises, especially those belonging to international corporations. Her output embraces dozens of publications, including the books Zmiany własnościowe i organizacyjno-ekonomiczne w wybranych dużych przedsiębiorstwach przemysłowych Poznania w okresie transformacji (Ownership and organisational-economic changes in selected large industrial enterprises of Poznań during the transformation period) (2004) and Miejsce inwestora zagranicznego w przestrzeni lokalnej i regionalnej na przykładzie Swedwood w Chlastawie (Place of the foreign investor in the localand regional space: The case of Swedwood at Chlastawa) (2010). She is also the editor of the monograph Pleszew – Struktura społeczno-gospodarcza miasta i gminy w ujęciu przestrzennym (Pleszew:The socio-economic structure of the town and commune in a spatial approach) (2011) and co-author of the guide Geografia społeczno-gospodarcza (Socio-economic geography) (2013). She conducts classes with Geography and Spatial Management students, including lectures on industrial geography, methods of spatial analysis, and the theory of organisation and management. She has also performed responsible organisational functions in the Faculty: in years 2008–2012 she was the Institute’s deputy director for didactic matters, and at present she is Deputy Dean for extramural studies and the implementation of the National Qualifications Framework for Higher Education.


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How to Cite

Tobolska, A. (2014). Choice of Locations by Foreign Investors: Motives for and Factors of Starting a Manufacturing Activity (the Example of Selected Factories in Poland). Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 25, 230–250.

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