Problems of Development of Offshore Wind Power in the Southern Baltic


  • Paweł Czapliński Uniwersytet Szczeciński Wydział Nauk o Ziemi Katedra Badań Miast i Regionów



offshore wind energy (OWE), south Baltic Sea, subsea power cables


According to the assumptions adopted by the European Union, the average share of renewableenergy in the consumption of gross final energy in 2020 in member states should reach 20%. It is estimatedthat approx. 60-70% of this amount will be energy obtained from wind. This includes energy from offshorewind farms whose numbers, due to fewer restrictions regarding their location, much better aerodynamicconditions (windiness), favourable legal and financial conditions and the possibility of using larger and moreefficient equipment, have been rapidly growing for a decade. Thus, the possibility of development of offshorewind energy (OWE) in the southern Baltic in light of European solutions, with particular emphasis on Polishexperience started to appear in considerations. An analysis of the potential of establishing offshore windfarms and marine power lines and them operating in the current and the anticipated state of the law has beenconducted. Due to the nature of the spatial and organizational structure of OWE a lot of attention has beendevoted to the analysis of international conditions of operation of offshore wind farms in Europe, includingthose in the southern Baltic. Current findings indicate that the prospects for development of this type of energyare strongly determined not only by economic factors but also by political factors on the national andinternational level.


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Author Biography

Paweł Czapliński, Uniwersytet Szczeciński Wydział Nauk o Ziemi Katedra Badań Miast i Regionów

Paweł Czapliński, Ph.D., an associate professor, University of Szczecin. Graduated from geography at thePomeranian Academy in Słupsk, and from Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology.He is a professor of Earth Science (economic geography). Between 1996 and 2014 he was a teaching assistant and associate professor in the Institute of Geography and Regional Studies at the Pomeranian Academyin Słupsk. Since 2014 in the Regional and Urban Studies Department, Faculty of Geosciences, Universityof Szczecin. He is a member of the editorial board of journals: Studies of the Industrial Geography Commissionof the Polish Geographical Society, Entrepreneurship – Education and Scientific Journal of the KhersonState University – Geography. He is the author of more than seventy publications and monographs in the fieldof transformation of spatial structures of industry in Northern Poland; performance and prospects of developmentof the fish processing industry in Poland; entrepreneurship of young people and the elderly in ruralareas; and some aspects of the management and administration of local government.


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How to Cite

Czapliński, P. (2016). Problems of Development of Offshore Wind Power in the Southern Baltic. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 30(3), 173–184.

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