Transformations of the industrial spatial structure in the Slupsk subregion
zmiany, struktura, przemysł, SłupskAbstract
The purpose of this article is the answer to the following question: what is the influence of the transformations on the spatial relations of industry in the area of the Slupsk subregion. Making an overall estimation of the past processes, one can state that in the period of 1995-2003 a distinctive change took place. There has been a significant diminution of the cities’ role as the converging points of most of industrial production potential. Of course, it is still in the cities that most of industry’s staff potential is located. However, the communes situated in the suburban areas, but also those located in a considerable distance from the cities (The Kolczyglowy commune), or sometimes peripheral in relation to the subregion’s boundaries (The Wicko commune) tend to take over production functions, every year becoming more and more important among places of this type of activities. An essential fact is that of subregion’s division according to the flow of the number of those employed in the industrial sector to the northern and southern sections. The division is the consequence of the fact that subregion’s northern section no longer significantly assembles the working power. On the other hand, a considerable growth in that area has taken place in the subregion’s southern parts. Industrial spatial structure of the Slupsk’s subregion is therefore significantly varied, and the transformations taking place in the spatial relations prove that the adaptation processes are constant ones.Downloads
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