The problems of industry research in geographic and economic sciences


  • Paweł Czapliński Akademia Pomorska, Słupsk Instytut Geografii i Studiów Regionalnych



badania, przemysł, nauki ekonomiczne


Currently, there are many premises which invite a debate on the role and position of the geography of industry among geographic sciences, and - possibly above all - among the sciences researching the economic processes, especially those focusing on economic structures. It should be emphasized that, owing to the research subject, the scale of the research itself and the methodological framework, there is strong resemblance between geography of industry and economy of industry. There is, however, serious divergence of perception of both sciences by the society and the scientists themselves. Meanwhile, geography of science, if widely underrated, can offer a range of research possibilities very similar to that of economy of science. What it lacks is a certain fresh perspective and its own - not adopted - research methods. Thus, the future of the geography of science seems uncertain, because maintaining the status quo means the state of temporariness, and in a larger perspective - its scientific non-existence. There is a possibility, however, that consolidation of geographic sub-branches might occur under the name of economic geography. As a consequence, economic geography will be accepted as a legitimate science in the area of economic research.


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How to Cite

Czapliński, P. (2008). The problems of industry research in geographic and economic sciences. Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society, 11, 46–52.

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