Research Topics and Changes in the Spatial Structure of Innovativeness of Polish Industry in 2005–2015
change of spatial structure, industry, innovativeness, Polish voivodeships, regional system, spatial differentiationAbstract
The purpose of the paper was to synthetically characterise the changes of spatial differentiation of industry innovation in Poland in 2005-2015 in the context of research problems of innovativeness with the use of the cross product. The availability of data limited the scope of the research. For example, innovative activity was presented through the analysis of the share of innovative units in the total number of industrial enterprises and the size of expenditure on innovative activities incurred by industrial enterprises. The analysis of the share of innovative products in the value of total production and net revenues from sales of innovative products in net revenues from total sales was also made. The analyses mentioned were presented against the research and development situation in Poland as a whole and by voivodeship. Research confirmed that significant spatial diversity distinguishes the spatial structure of innovation in Polish industry by voivodeship. Moreover, it is significant that innovative expenditures show low efficiency.Spatial structure of industry innovativeness in Poland was highly stable in the analysed period. The changes in the spatial structure were insignificant and reached only 4% in synthetic terms. More substantial transformations of the structure, often of an abrupt character, concerned only the selected features of industry innovativeness.Downloads
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