Dostępność do usług kulturalnych w Meksyku


  • Anna Winiarczyk-Raźniak Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, Instytut Geografii


Słowa kluczowe:

usługi, kultura, Meklsyk


The paper describes the availability of cultural services in Mexico. According to the research, the states featuring the most extensive array of cultural services are located in the Yucatan Peninsula and in selected parts of central Mexico. The places where cultural services are taken advantage of most extensively are the capital city (the state of Distrito Federal) as well as the previously mentioned states located in the Yucatan and in central Mexico. In some of the states, cultural services are available but not taken advantage of as much, while in other states, there are fewer cultural services, but they are extensively taken advantage of. In order to analyze this particular problem, values of cultural service use indicators were correlated with values of selected social indicators such as urbanization level, percentage of people with higher education, percentage of people employed in agriculture, forestry, and fishing, as well as percentage of large households.


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Jak cytować

Winiarczyk-Raźniak, A. (2009). Dostępność do usług kulturalnych w Meksyku. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 14, 121–129.

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