Spatial Differentiation of the Level of Innovation of Regional Economy of Lower Silesian Voivodeship
innovative activity, Lower Silesian Voivodeship, regional economy, spatial differentiation of innovativenessAbstract
Current development of the knowledge-based economy is dependent on the level of innovation of companies introducing new or significantly improved products, advanced technology and better work organization systems. A high level of innovativeness has a significant impact on the growth of the competitive advantage of regional economies, primarily by allowing them to use resources more efficiently. The paper presents the research and development activities in Poland which has been characterized on the basis of expenditure on research and development and the participation of R&D employees in total employment. The analysis of innovative activities in voivodeships (provinces) in Poland and in the poviats (= counties) of Lower Silesian voivodeship was based on four indicators: innovative activity, expenditure on it, its effectiveness in the form of revenues from the production of new or substantially improved products, and the level of equipment with the means of manufacturing automation. These parameters were used to construct a synthetic indicator of innovation that illustrates the intraregional competitiveness of the poviats. The analysis of innovation of the economy of Lower Silesia is presented in relation to other voivodeships what allows to determine the position of the region with regard to the rest of the country.
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