Touristic cultural determinants in Canada based on the authorial route of cultural heritage in the Alberta province


  • Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss Pedagogical University of Krakow Institute of Geography Department of Tourism and Regional Studies
  • Natalia Lewandowska Uniwersytet Jagielloński


Słowa kluczowe:

Alberta, Kanada, warunki kulturowe, turystyka, turystyka dziedzictwa narodowego


Important elements of the trail include its tourist development. It is of great importance in drawing in tourists to visit a particular attraction or region. It is a special element in the development of tourism space. It increases attractiveness of the reception area, similarly to catering or accommodation facilities. The created network of the tourist routes is considered as internal accessibility of the region. The trail that is well-organised and adapted to the conditions, allows for a wide selection of active forms of spending free time. The work focuses on the development of the cultural heritage trail in the province of Alberta (Canada). Based on the literature analysis, the trail was defined as a tourist attraction in itself. From the information received it was found that the tourist route is an inseparable part of the tourist product. An important element of the tourist trail is tourism development. The text emphasizes cultural aspect of the original route. The protected areas and the cultural heritage of the Indians have been characterised in particular. As part of the original route, the following were characterised: accommodation, catering, accompanying facilities and threats that may occur during the journey. Based on a review of the literature and the author’s route, the relation between local heritage and cultural tourism was inferred.


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Biogramy autorów

Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss - Pedagogical University of Krakow Institute of Geography Department of Tourism and Regional Studies

Kamila Ziółkowska-Weiss, PhD, graduate of Culture studies at the Jagiellonian University and of Geography at the Pedagogical University of Krakow. She has graduated from postgraduate studies in international tourism management at the Cracow University of Economics. Since 2012 she has been a research worker, acting as an assistant in the department of Tourism and Regional Studies at the Pedagogical University in Krakow. An active tourist guide. The author of several academic publications. Her main academic interests include cultural tourism, ethnic groups in Małopolska and Polish minority in USA.

Natalia Lewandowska - Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Natalia Lewandowska, MA, she has graduated from the Institute of Geography at the Pedagogical University of Krakow.


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Jak cytować

Ziółkowska-Weiss, K., & Lewandowska, N. (2022). Touristic cultural determinants in Canada based on the authorial route of cultural heritage in the Alberta province. Prace Komisji Geografii Przemysłu Polskiego Towarzystwa Geograficznego, 36(3), 93–108.

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