Distribution and Activity Growth of Industrial and Construction Sectors in Małopolska Region
construction sector, entrepreneurship, industry sector, Małopolska RegionAbstract
The paper analyses spatial and dynamic activity of Małopolska Region inhabitants in the industrial and construction sectors on the basis of employment and entrepreneurial activity in these sectors. The years 2006-2011 showed a positive trend for the activity in both sectors, while the performance of the construction sector was significantly better. For comparison for Poland situation was different - the dynamics of employment and entrepreneurial activity in the industry were adverse. As for Poland, entrepreneurial activity in the construction sector intensified, in relative terms, and was relatively high, and substantially higher in the Małopolska Region. Note that a geographic increase in the entrepreneurial attitudes of residents is not followed by any intensified entrepreneurial activity in the construction sector. To the contrary, a reverse trend was observed: the poviats reporting intensive entrepreneurial activity reported a relatively low share of the construction sector and vice versa - the share was rather high in areas reporting the entrepreneurial indicator at its low. Research shows that only a few poviats reported visible unfavourable trends. These are Dąbrowski and Miechowski poviats, which reported a major drop in the number of the employed both in general and specifically in the industrial and construction sector. However, these poviats, considered underdeveloped when compared to the rest of the Region, reported a positive growth of entrepreneurial activity, both in the industry and construction sector, while a downward trend in entrepreneurial activity in the industry was reported in the Suski Poviat as well in more economically advanced and industrialized poviats: Wadowicki and Kraków, what reflects a general national trend.Downloads
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