International Biotechnological and Pharmaceutical Corporations in the World
biotechnology, corporations, life science, pharmacyAbstract
Contemporary, life science (including biotechnology and pharmacy) are regarded as one of the most significant and the fastest developing sectors of innovative (knowledge-based) economy and as the most important factors of socio-economic development. Biotechnological and pharmaceutical corporations are located mainly in the proximity to the world-class universities, providing access to a highly skilled workforce and research infrastructure and it is associated with a high risk investment resulting from rapid technological changes. The subject of the conducted research are international corporations selected from the list of 2 000 biggest corporations in the world of the Forbes Magazine. The aim of the research is to determine the location and economical potential changes of the international biotechnology and pharmaceutical corporations. Nowadays, the importance of biotechnological and pharmaceutical corporations is growing. Biotechnology develops rapidly because of the aging of the society, civilisation illnesses, growing economies. The main regions famous for developing biotechnological and pharmaceutical corporations are highly developed countries such as the USA, Western European countries, Japan. However, the relocation of the industry is noticeable (location of production and clinical trials), searching for new markets and more friendly legal policy (China, India). Research and Development infrastructure, highly developed human capital and infrastructural factors (including ethical and legal ones) are the main factors of the development of biotechnology.Downloads
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